Thank You for the Cross

Blessings Family, Ephesians 2:4-10 NIV: “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in […]

A Peculiar People: Why I No Longer Celebrate Easter

Against the Tide

Blessings, Friends, I have been praying over this post for weeks. I had to have the assurance of the Holy Spirit, if not a word from the Father himself, not only that my attitude was right before Him and you, but that I not create a burden for my readers with what the Lord has […]

Taurus Rising: Signs of the Times

Blessings, Family! The Days of Repentance are upon us, and we are seeking God’s forgiveness and His direction for the coming year. As you may know, it is very typical this is a time of year for seers to receive visitations and messages from the Lord concerning the new year. In our house, it seems […]


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In Dependence Day

Blessings, Family! Let me start by saying that this message is in no way a judgment or condemnation. As a minister of the Gospel, I have one purpose and one purpose only, to lift up the Body of Christ and encourage you to take your faith to the next level. To become what you were […]

Pesach Blessing 2020

Blessings! Happy Pesach (Passover)! I’ve made a video, wishing you, my precious family, a wonderful Pesach and offering a prayer for your crossing over journey. I even sing the Aaronic blessing over you in Hebrew! It comes from the heart, and I hope it blesses you. Just follow the link below to see the video, […]

Certainty: Hope in the Midst of Pandemic

Blessings, Friends! The Lord has been nudging me—and not so gently—about sending out a response to all this virus chaos. A video response. Now, I know I’ve been talking about making Watch God Work Ministries into a podcast…I’ve just been crazy busy trying to get the second edition of Loved So Much It Hurts formatted […]

The Crossing Over People III: The Betrothal

It's What We Do

Blessings, Friends, In my last segment, “The Crossing Over People II: Entering In,” I talked about the covenant of the blood of the Lamb. What the blood represented and what it means to enter into this covenant with God. As we are coming up on the celebration of Passover (Pesach) in April, this is the […]

Real Love

Blessings, Friends, In a month that turns our thoughts toward love, I thought it would be nice to take a look at this thing that “makes the world go ‘round.” When the world speaks of love, especially this month, we think of romance—chocolates, roses, diamonds…. We tend to associate the word with butterflies in the […]

Sound the Shofar! A Year of New Beginnings!

Blessings, Precious Family, and L’shanah tovah! “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘In the seventh month, the first of the month is to be for you a day of complete rest for remembering, a holy convocation announced with blasts on the shofar’” Levicitus 23:24 CJB. Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashana) is upon us once more. The day […]