Promise of the Day

Promise of the Day: Favor and Honor


Today’s Promise is Psalm 84:11 CJB:

For Adonai, God, is a sun and a shield;
Adonai bestows favor and honor;
he will not withhold anything good
from those whose lives are pure.

Favor and Honor


In this day of “likes,” “shares,” and “follows,” some people’s happiness seems dependent on the favor of other people. Some may receive a monetary reward for this favor, but apart from that and a momentary rush, neither of which are long-lasting, what is there? When we look to our Father God for favor, He not only bestows His favor on us, but honor as well. And it doesn’t stop there. He is our sun, lighting our way and providing the heat and energy we need to grow. He is our shield, protecting us from all attacks and battering from the enemy as we charge forth. Not only that, He will put everything that is good right into our hands. How do we gain the favor of our Father? By living a life that is pure, and He even gives us everything we need to do that. Face it. Our Father makes the accolades of the world look pretty sad.


Heavenly Father, it’s tempting to want the approval and validation of the world, because I am in the world. But I am not of the world any longer. Invade me with Your Spirit, Lord, in Jesus’ name, and help me see and hear in the spirit realm, that I might know Your favor, walk in Your honor, and receive every good thing You have for me. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!



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Photos by Shawna Corbett