The Disappointed Farmer

Blessings Friends, There was a farmer whose grain was ripe and ready to harvest. As storm clouds gathered on the horizon, he knew he had little time to get the harvest in. He went to the dealership in town and laid every penny he had on the counter. The dealer was thrilled to take the […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Mar 20, 2015

New Release: “They’re Watching”

Blessings Friends! I was thrilled this morning when the postman delivered my copies of the March 1, 2015 edition of Live magazine, and I found my story, “They’re Watching” on the cover! That really made my day. This is the second story of mine they’ve published, the first being “The Inner Sanctum” in the January […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Mar 12, 2015

Mr. Wonderful!: Part 3

Blessings Friends! I hope my dream about the perverse spirit and this look into Isaiah 19 has quickened your spirits to the urgency of prayer for The Body of Christ. My heart’s desire is that God’s people will take the initiative and humble themselves before God, before He has to do it for us! Wouldn’t […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Feb 27, 2015

Mr. Wonderful!: Part 2

Blessings Friends! I hope your curiosity got the better of you after my post, Mr. Wonderful!, and that you grabbed your Bibles and study aids, and dug into Isaiah 19. This is where The Spirit directed me when I was praying for insight into my dream about the perverse spirit. As I said before, I […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Feb 5, 2015

Tidal Wave!

Blessings Friends! I will be posting my follow-up on the perverse spirit soon. I am really seeking The Holy Spirit’s guidance in this. However, I had a vision Wednesday morning, as I lay on my face before The Lord, that I felt I should share. I believe this is a call to prayer. The vision […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jan 23, 2015

Mr. Wonderful! A Dream For the New Year

Blessings Friends! This is the season when our thoughts turn to new beginnings. What a blessing that our God is in the business of new beginnings! Our pastor reminded us in church last week that it’s important to expect and be ready for God to do a new thing as He promised in Isaiah 43:19. […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jan 1, 2015

The Warning VIII: Is It Getting Hot In Here?

Blessings Friends, When my kids were younger, I had a lot of fun on their birthdays arranging treasure hunts for them and their friends. Later, it also became a Christmas tradition. When we have an extra special gift for someone, we love to draw out the excitement of giving by having them follow clues and […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Nov 20, 2014

Election 2014–A New Beginning?

Blessings Friends! There is great rejoicing in the Republican camp today. I seem to recall  the same excitement from the Democrats not all that long ago. Republican are expecting now what Democrats expected then—change for the better. Unfortunately, we continued on our spiral downward then, and only one thing can change that trend. As long as […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Nov 5, 2014

A Tale of Two Churches

Blessings Friends! As promised, in this post I’ll be sharing what The Lord showed me in 1 Kings, chapter 12 concerning my dream about the two churches. If you need a reminder of the content of this dream, you can refer to my last post, “A New Place of Belonging.” We begin in 1 Kings […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Oct 10, 2014

The Warning VII: A Call to Prayer

Blessings Friends, As I’ve studied the fourth chapter of Amos, The Spirit has really impressed on me the depth of God’s Word. It isn’t merely one dimensional, with one meaning, for one time. It is timeless, and goes beyond the physical, encompassing the spiritual, and probably much more than I have learned to this point. […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Aug 28, 2014

Something New!

Blessings Friends! This morning as I was waiting on the Lord, He said to me, “I am going to release something new to My church. But, in order to receive it, they must let go of everything they believe and trust in. I want to take My people to the next level, but they can’t […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Aug 15, 2014

The Warning VI: Till the Cows Leave Home

Blessings Friends, As we begin the fourth chapter of Amos, I’m reminded of growing up on a farm. Namely, raising cattle. Amos 4:1: “Hear this word, you cows of Bashan, who are on the mountain of Samaria, Who oppress the poor, Who crush the needy, Who say to your husbands, ‘Bring wine, let us drink!”’  Again, God is talking […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jul 28, 2014