Under Attack: Overcoming Adversity

Guaranteed Victory

(First Published 09/05/2011) This is a very timely message for me right now, as I work on my next book, The Demon Slayers Hankbook. The struggles may have changed, but the King is still on the throne!   Blessings Family! You know you are doing something right, if you are under attack. A week before the […]

Passover 2024: Change is in the Air

Blessings, Family, As we come into another Passover season, I can’t help but reflect on the last couple of years of my journey. I have definitely felt the weight of transition in my life. Maybe you’ve felt it, too. Change is coming. “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not […]

Be Mine: A Valentine from Your Father

Be Mine

Blessings Family, Valentine’s Day is here, and with it our thoughts turn to love. Every human being craves love. From birth, we spend our lives seeking it. We don’t feel complete without it. Why? Because we are created in the likeness and according to the image of our God (Gen. 1:26). And 1 John 4:8 […]