The Gift of a Lifetime! Limited Time Offer!
Blessings Friends! Christmas is upon us. A time to celebrate the greatest gift ever given. The one and only Son of God, in the form of a little baby. Not snuggled in a royal purple robe and rocking in a cradle of gold, but wrapped in cloths like those used to dress a body for […]
A Sweet New Year: 5785
Blessings, Family, I’m interrupting this thread of messages to wish you all L’Shana Tovah (A Sweet New Year)! On October 2, 2024, we celebrated a new Hebrew year with Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets. This is the beginning of the High Holy Days, foreshadowing the return of King Jesus. This was an especially sweet […]
Under Attack: Overcoming Adversity
(First Published 09/05/2011) This is a very timely message for me right now, as I work on my next book, The Demon Slayers Hankbook. The struggles may have changed, but the King is still on the throne! Blessings Family! You know you are doing something right, if you are under attack. A week before the […]