Tidal Wave of Judgment

Blessing, Family, In January of 2015, I wrote an article based on a vision I had called “Tidal Wave!” Recently, I have received messages from readers who have had or are having similar dreams and visions. Now, we know there is no coincidence where our God is concerned. Something is going on. “Adonai, God, does […]
Tidal Wave!
Blessings Friends! I will be posting my follow-up on the perverse spirit soon. I am really seeking The Holy Spirit’s guidance in this. However, I had a vision Wednesday morning, as I lay on my face before The Lord, that I felt I should share. I believe this is a call to prayer. The vision […]
Promise of the Day: The Reckoning

Blessings! Today’s Promise is Isaiah 59:19 CJB: “in the west they will fear the name of Adonai, and likewise, in the east, his glory. For he will come like a pent-up stream, impelled by the Spirit of Adonai.“ Devotion: This promise reminds me of several dreams I’ve had, including, “Tidal Wave of Judgment.” More and more it […]
Strong Delusion: A Word for 5782

Blessings, Family, The High Holy Days have come and gone, and I am just now posting a message. The truth is, I’ve been in a bit of a wrestling match with the Lord this month. As this is typically a time to receive a word for God’s people, I have been seeking a word for […]
Taurus Rising: Signs of the Times
Blessings, Family! The Days of Repentance are upon us, and we are seeking God’s forgiveness and His direction for the coming year. As you may know, it is very typical this is a time of year for seers to receive visitations and messages from the Lord concerning the new year. In our house, it seems […]
Sound the Shofar! Rosh Hashanah 2015
Blessings Friends, Rosh Hashanah is upon us once more. The Jewish New Year, beginning the Feast of Trumpets and the ten Days of Awe, when we are called to examine our hearts and seek God in prayer and repentance. A time to be sanctified so that when Messiah returns, He will find us faithful. This […]
4th of July Invasion–of a Heavenly Kind!
Blessings Friends! Wow. My head is still reeling from our 4th of July in the Park outreach. I still feel like I have a serious Holy Spirit hangover! When I’d share what God was putting on my heart, people kept saying things like, “Well, even if no one comes for prayer, the important thing is […]