Watchmen to the Wall! A Word for the Next Generation of Prophetic Intercessors
Blessings Friends, We are living in very exciting times. For those of us just coming into our prophetic mantels and discovering the amazing realms of the Spirit, the weight of these mantels can be at times quite overwhelming. We see the veterans, the Generals, on stage and screen, we see how the Holy Spirit moves […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | May 22, 2017
A Whole Lot of Shakin’ Goin’ On!
Blessings Family, Hmm. I wonder which church that is…. I was in the midst of a vision during midday prayer, looking at a church building—hanging upside down in mid-air. As I pondered, two huge hands came out of Heaven, took the church on either side, and started shaking it violently up and down, which was […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Mar 2, 2017
Operation Cover: Calling All Intercessors!
(Posted 11/11/16) Blessings Friends and Fellow Prayer Warriors, Our blessings and deepest gratitude go out to all of our brave Veterans for their selfless sacrifice to protect our liberty and defend the defenseless. May The Lord pour out His great abundance, love, healing, and restoration to you and your families! Amen! About a week before […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jan 13, 2017
Arise! Shine!
Blessings Friends! One word has dominated my thoughts during this season, and that word is light. After creating the heavens and the earth, the first thing Elohim gave it was light. In the Hebrew, ‘or, more precisely meaning illumination. “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.” Genesis 1:3 (Photo via thinglink) This says […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Dec 19, 2016
Charlie Brown and Jesus?
Originally posted Oct. 29, 2012 Blessings Friends, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown has been a Halloween tradition for as long as I can remember. In fact, there aren’t many holidays that we don’t share with the Peanuts Gang. But this year, with the help of my six-year-old daughter, I gained a whole new appreciation good […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Oct 31, 2016
Sukkot 5777: You Don’t Want to Miss This!
Blessings Friends, At sundown on the sixteenth of October, we lit the candles to usher in Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, and I was blessed to give the message at our community celebration. It was a great evening of feasting, dancing, and worshiping as we drew deeper into the meaning and blessings of God’s Appointed […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Oct 25, 2016
L’shanah tovah for 5777!
Blessings, Family, and L’shanah tovah (Good Year)! The first shofar has sounded, closing out our Year of Jubilee, and announcing the Hebrew New Year of 5777! Wake up, children of the Living God! The end of the harvest is at hand! Finish up your work and prepare for the return of the King of Kings! […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Oct 4, 2016
Author Update: All to God’s Glory!
Blessings Friends! What a great end to my summer! God is good! In August my short story, “To Fly,” won the Cascade Award for best short story! This story also made the top 10 in a contest in The Writer magazine. I wasn’t able to attend the Cascade Awards banquet this year, but it was fun receiving […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Sep 22, 2016
Let All Striving Cease!
Blessings Friends, The word of The Lord Most High in August, 2016, to His chosen, those called according to His purpose. “Let all striving cease. I have heard your cries, I have seen your needs, and I will answer. Be still now and know that I AM GOD (Ps. 46:10). Stand in awe and sin […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Sep 12, 2016
4th of July Invasion–of a Heavenly Kind!
Blessings Friends! Wow. My head is still reeling from our 4th of July in the Park outreach. I still feel like I have a serious Holy Spirit hangover! When I’d share what God was putting on my heart, people kept saying things like, “Well, even if no one comes for prayer, the important thing is […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jul 6, 2016
Contest Finalist and New Release!
Blessings Friends! I’m praising The Lord today for the news that my short story, “To Fly” is a finalist for the 2016 Cascade Writers Award! That made my day. And what a blessing to be sharing the honor with so many gifted authors, friends, and mentors. I’m so excited for Helen Heavirland, whose book, My […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jun 4, 2016
Latest Release: “Precious Gems”
Blessings Friends! My latest contribution to Live is coming out the week of April 17! Find out what The Lord taught me about sharing His Word–even when no one seems to be listening. You can get “Precious Gems” and the entire spring collection of Live at: God’s […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Mar 30, 2016