Author Update: All to God’s Glory!

Blessings Friends!

What a great end to my summer! God is good!

In August my short story, “To Fly,” won the Cascade Award for best short story! This story also made the top 10 in a contest in The Writer magazine. I wasn’t able to attend the Cascade Awards banquet this year, but it was fun receiving the excited texts from my critique friends who were there. One of those friends, Helen Heavirland, also won best memoir for her awesome book, My God is Bigger. What an honor!


Also in the news, my story, “Teenagers!” was published in Live this month. An overheard conversation between two teens bemoaning a nagging mother, puts me in mind of my own struggles as a mom—then makes me rethink my reactions to my Heavenly Father! Also in this issue is
“Hedged in by Love” by another dear friend of mine, Laura Bradford. You can get your copy at Gospel Publishing House:

Thank you and blessings to all my readers, and may The Lord bless the work of our hands greatly as we live and work to glorify Him and encourage one another! Amen!

God’s grace and peace be yours,


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