Beneath the Waterfall: God’s Transforming Love
Blessings Friends, On our way back from the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Woodburn, Oregon, my husband, daughter, and I drove the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway. It was so beautiful! Hard to believe God created all that just for me. Even more amazing, that it pales in comparison to the splendor of Heaven! We […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Mar 10, 2016
Manna From Heaven!
Blessings Friends, and Happy 2016! What a way to start a new year! This morning as I met with The Lord, I saw an open Heaven and something raining down from above. It reminded me of the confetti that filled Times Square last night, but not as chaotic. I asked The Holy Spirit what was […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jan 1, 2016
Choose This Day!
Blessings Friends, I’m hearing wedding bells, but it’s not what you may think. In fact, these wedding bells sound more like trumpets. I had a dream in which I stood in my bridal gown at the altar facing The Groom. But, at the beginning of the ceremony, as The Groom spoke, He took my ring […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Nov 27, 2015
“I Will Restore ALL!”
Blessings Friends! HaShem’s will be done. As Yom Kippur came to a close, I was reminded yet again that God’s ways are not my ways. The Days of Awe are a time of self examination, of seeking the forgiveness of those you have hurt, and deep repentance before The Lord. Yom Kippur, the Day of […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Sep 25, 2015
Sound the Shofar! Rosh Hashanah 2015
Blessings Friends, Rosh Hashanah is upon us once more. The Jewish New Year, beginning the Feast of Trumpets and the ten Days of Awe, when we are called to examine our hearts and seek God in prayer and repentance. A time to be sanctified so that when Messiah returns, He will find us faithful. This […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Sep 13, 2015
Signed, Sealed, and Coming in Spring!
Blessings Friends! I’m happy to announce that my book, Loved So Much It Hurts, is on its way to publication! Praise The Lord! I’ve just signed with Stonebridge Publications, and I’m so blessed to be working with Teresa Ortiz and her team. They are just as passionate about sharing the hope we have in Jesus […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Aug 31, 2015
The Kids’ Table
Blessings Friends! This morning in prayer I had an incredible visit to the Third Heaven. This was an especially timely visit as, lately, I’ve fallen once more into the trap of self-condemnation for not “doing enough.” It’s been two years since The Lord called me to a season of prayer, to learn to rest in […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Aug 5, 2015
You Have the Right to Remain Silent–Amen!
Blessings Friends, Much is made today about our individual rights. Our Constitution guarantees us certain “unalienable rights.” We have law enforcement agencies to protect our rights. Even those who violate the rights of others have rights. Our overtaxed judicial system testifies to the fact that people are dogged about defending their rights. The Books of […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jul 25, 2015
“Set Free” – My Latest Publication
Blessings Friends! Now What? e–zine has just released my latest story, “Set Free,” and you can read it at . If you are struggling with forgiveness, God has the answer. “Set Free” is the story of how God gave my fearful, unforgiving heart new life when I trusted it to Him. I hope it blesses you. God’s […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | May 29, 2015
Healthy Codependence
Blessings Friends, John 14:16: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” Hallelujah! Have you considered the ramifications of that promise made by Jesus before He was crucified? It might not mean much to anyone who has not met Jesus, but think […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | May 22, 2015
Help Wanted: A Brief Survey
Blessings Friends! I can’t believe how far WatchGodWork has come in the last four years. It just goes to show what God can do with a simple “Yes.” But The Spirit is constantly moving, and I must move with Him. That means changes are coming! A couple of these changes have been the addition of […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | May 4, 2015
Victory in Kenya! What You Won’t See in the News
Blessings Friends! Earlier this month we were saddened by the brutal murders of 147 and injuries of 79 Christian students by al-Shabab militants in Garissa, Kenya. I don’t know what kind of coverage the attack received in the news, as we don’t watch the news. I believe the press is geared toward keeping people in […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Apr 20, 2015