Are You Prepared for the Outbreak?
Blessings Friends, (This was an article I posted in January of 2017. The Lord recently reminded me of this dream when news of the Coronavirus and flu outbreaks hit the news. So, I’m re-posting this for our new family members and anyone who missed it the first time.) I just wanted to pass on a […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Mar 9, 2020
Vision for Revival in Jamaica
Blessings, Friends, The other morning I had an amazing vision. Under the power of the Holy Spirit, I ascended to the highest Heaven. I thought it was a pleasure trip—it was for me, anyway. I took my time coming back down and, when I did, I saw a great tree. It was loaded with bunches […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Feb 25, 2020
Possessing The Infinite
Blessings, Friends, I’ve been praying for a special word for you for Christmas. I’ve been seeing prophecies of acceleration, Heavenly alignment, and breakthrough. But what the Lord has released to me has been so much deeper than anything I have experienced. I only hope I can do it justice in print because I know this […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Dec 24, 2019
A Prayer for Yom Kippur
Blessings, Family, Sundown, last Wednesday, marked the end of the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement). This appointed time will be fulfilled on the Great Day of the Lord, when all will be judged–either according to their own works, or according to the work of Jesus on the cross. As […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Oct 11, 2019
Sound the Shofar! A Year of New Beginnings!
Blessings, Precious Family, and L’shanah tovah! “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘In the seventh month, the first of the month is to be for you a day of complete rest for remembering, a holy convocation announced with blasts on the shofar’” Levicitus 23:24 CJB. Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashana) is upon us once more. The day […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Sep 30, 2019
Answered Prayer on the 4th of July
Blessings, Friends, Thank you so much for your prayers for our community outreach on the 4th! What an amazing day! Our first visitor was a young mother who has been coming to us every year since we started. For three years we have been praying the Lord would give her another baby. She couldn’t wait […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jul 8, 2019
Happy Dependence Day!
Blessings Friends! Three years ago I felt the Lord leading me to establish a prayer booth in our city’s annual 4th of July in the Park celebration. This was a huge leap of faith for me and my family but, as is His way, we were blessed that day and every year since by the […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jul 1, 2019
The Crossing Over People II: Entering In
Blessings, Friends, Another Shavuot (Pentecost) has come and gone, and I wanted to get back to our study on the Crossing Over People, since Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah at Sinai, as well as the giving of the precious Holy Spirit to all believers to illuminate and reveal the great Mystery the Torah […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Jun 13, 2019
7 Steps to the Holy of Holies: Getting There
Blessings, Friends, Welcome back to “7 Steps to the Holy of Holies.” Some time ago, I was working on a study in Exodus, the construction of the Tabernacle to be specific, and my head was swimming. “All these details!” I said to the Lord, “I know it all means something, but for the life […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Apr 17, 2019
7 Steps to the Holy of Holies: Introduction
Blessings, Friends, You may have noticed in many of my posts that I stress the importance of drawing near to God and developing an intimate relationship with Him. This is especially important as we enter a season of rapid change in the church and in the world. If we are to know how to handle […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Mar 28, 2019
Pray for Russia!
Blessings, Friends, I’m sending out an urgent prayer request to all my faithful prayer warriors. Early Saturday morning as I waited on the Lord, I had a very detailed vision. The Vision: I found myself towering over Europe. I’m not sure if my feet were planted on the U.S., the Atlantic Ocean, or the U.K., […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Feb 25, 2019
The True Armor of God: It’s Not What You Wear
Blessings, Friends, Earlier this month, I was in prayer, meditating on the armor of God, when a window in Heaven opened releasing insight that blew me away. I love it when that happens! This may not be new to you, but I’m going to share this and pray that it becomes new to you, renewing […]
By : Rebecca Olmstead | Dec 31, 2018