Today’s Promise is Luke 1:45 NKJV:
“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
Faith birthed the Salvation of the world. God planted the seed, but Mary’s belief caused it to develop and grow into God’s ultimate victory over sin and death. The Father has also planted a seed of possibility in you. But you will never know the amazing plans He has for you unless you believe. Are you ready to say, “Let it be to me according to Your will, Lord!”?
Heavenly Father, You created me with a divine purpose, for something more than I could ever imagine. I ask, Abba, in Jesus’ name, that the veil of deception be lifted from my eyes. I ask that You reveal Your perfect will for my life. Then, grant me the grace to believe, that Your purpose may be fulfilled in and through me. That You may be glorified in me. Amen!
Have a victorious day in the Lord!