Promise of the Day: Got Oil?


Today’s Promise is Hebrews 10:37 CJB:

“There is so, so little time!
The One coming will indeed come,
he will not delay.”


It’s thrilling to think that Jesus could come at any minute. But, it also causes me to check my oil supply daily. I don’t want to be the maiden who ran out of oil while waiting for the Bridegroom. Thankfully, I know the source of oil, the Holy Spirit, and I go daily to Him for a refill. What a blessing to be able to go to the Lord any time, night or day, and receive all I need to keep my lamp burning bright. I don’t need a secret password. I just need to go. Who wouldn’t enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise? How is your oil supply?


Heavenly Father, I can’t wait until Your Son returns and puts everything right! But their is still so many to reach. Empower me by Your Spirit to complete the work You have given me to do, here, in Jesus’ name. Give me many souls for Your Kingdom, Lord, so that on that day we can all rejoice together. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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