Promise of the Day: Endurance

Don't Slack Off


Today’s Promise is 2 Timothy 2:12 NKJV:

If we endure,
We shall also reign with Him.
If we deny Him,
He also will deny us.”


In a society of instant gratification and entitlement, endurance has become a lost discipline. Even in the church, professed believers are quick to get discouraged or disgruntled when they don’t get the results they want when they want them. Some to the point of giving up on God altogether. But endurance must be cultivated if we are to mature in Christ. And maturity is vital if we are to remain standing until the end. Faith is the key. Trusting not in what we see, hear, or feel, but in God’s Truth. Sometimes this is a moment-by-moment choice. But we have been given the Holy Spirit to encourage and strengthen us to make the right choice. Praise Jesus’ Name!


Heavenly Father, You have given me all I need, not only to endure, but to shine in Your glory. Strengthen me, in Jesus’ name, in my inner being by Your Spirit, moment by moment, day by day, that I may grow and mature into the person You created me to be. All to Your glory. Amen!

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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