Promise of the Day: Knowledge is Power


Today’s Promise is Proverbs 11:9 NKJV:

The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor,
But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.”

Knowledge is Power


What is the knowledge that delivers the righteous? The knowledge that as one who has been saved by grace, I am in no position to criticize or judge anyone else. To their face or behind their back. The forgiveness I have received through Jesus Christ doesn’t make me better than my neighbor. But it should make me better able to understand their need for grace, enabling me to treat them with compassion. This is the knowledge that has the power to not only deliver me, but to lead my neighbor to deliverance as well.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the grace and forgiveness You have extended to me. Even when I least deserved it. Guard my lips, oh, Lord, that they may never be a tool of destruction against my neighbors, for they, too, belong to You. Let me always treat others with humility and compassion, in Jesus’ name, knowing that we are all in need of deliverance. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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