Promise of the Day: Under New Law

Under New Law


Today’s Promise is Romans 8:2 NKJV:

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

Under New Law


Many believers today interpret this promise to mean they are free from the consequences of sin. The truth is much more powerful. The Holy Spirit doesn’t merely turn a blind eye to our sin because we are under the blood of Christ. On the contrary. He convicts us of our sin, giving us the opportunity to turn away from it and turn back to God. But He doesn’t stop there. When we choose to turn away from our sin, it is the Holy Spirit who gives us the strength and power to keep walking towards God’s holiness, never to turn back to sin. The law of the Spirit of life breaks the chains that keep us bound to sin, if we choose to obey that law. And, when we do, we choose to walk in victory!


Heavenly Father, make me ever mindful of the love You have for me that breaks the chains of sin, in Jesus’ name, that I might walk in Your victory and freedom, becoming what You created me to be. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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