Promise of the Day: Underminers



Today’s Promise is Hebrews 9:14 CJB:

“…then how much more the blood of the Messiah, who, through the eternal Spirit, offered himself to God as a sacrifice without blemish, will purify our conscience from works that lead to death, so that we can serve the living God!”



If we are to be effective members of the Kingdom, we cannot be bogged down with guilt and regret. Christ’s blood cleanses us, freeing us from the baggage of the past, that we might walk in the power of the Living Christ. But there are people all around us who lend themselves to unclean spirits for the purpose of reminding us of past mistakes. These spirits don’t want us to be effective for Christ. It’s so important to rebuke these spirits immediately! Not the people, but the spirits. Even when the spirits are using someone you love and trust as their mouthpiece. Often, people aren’t even aware they are being used. Do not listen to them! Do not even let them complete a condemning, judgmental, fear-filled, or discouraging sentence. Don’t receive any word that does not confirm your identity in Christ. Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and your new identity in Christ and rebuke them. It is better to risk offending someone in the wrong than risk offending the Holy Spirit, who is never wrong.


Heavenly Father, grant me the Spirit of Discernment, in Jesus’ name. Not only to know the voice of the enemy and stop him in his tracks, but to know the difference between the enemy and the people he uses, and to know when I am at risk of being the enemy’s mouthpiece. Help me remember to treat all people with love and respect, that nothing may be said against You. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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