Blessings Beloved Family!
I’m sending this to both my Arise! and Promise of the Day readers, so I apologize if some of you get a double message.
I’ve been in the midst of the fire for the last year, having several surgeries that have greatly limited my physical activity, but I am still writing and reaching out to those in need of inspiration and prayer.
I wanted to make you aware of a couple opportunities to help Watch God Work Ministries continue to offer hope to people around the world. If Watch God Work Ministries has blessed you, please take a look at these opportunities and share them with friends and family and on social media.
The first thing I want to share with you is a promotion I’m running on my book Loved So Much It Hurts. From now until February 18th, the ebook will be only .99 cents. I you haven’t read my story about my journey through cancer that started this ministry, I encourage you to get a copy. And pass the offer on others in need of some inspiration. This promotion includes books by other authors as well, so please take a look at them, too. And, on behalf of all of us authors, please take some time to leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and encourage others to do so. It really helps us out.

Secondly, I wanted to remind you of my Etsy shop, WGWInspirations. I created this shop and the products in it to help support the ministry. I’ve created some fun Valentine gifts and I’m running a 25% off sale through Valentine’s Day. Please take a look at my shop, favorite, and share it on social media and with friends and family. All proceeds from my books and the Etsy shop go to support Watch God Work Ministries.
I have never asked for financial support before. I’ve been working on these other avenues to support all that goes into this ministry because, after thirteen years of ministry, we have only one monthly supporter, and costs are getting higher all the time. We want to continue to do more, so we really appreciate your help getting the word out about my books and shop.
My next book to be published will be The Demon Slayers Handbook: How To Stop Being Satan’s Puppet, a study guide to help young adults understand spiritual warfare and overcome the enemy. It was an assignment given to me by God in a waking vision to help stop suicide in the church. It’s my passion to get this book out, but publishing is very expensive, and I really need your help.
Please take a look at these specials and get the word out. We’re so thankful for you.
God’s grace and peace be yours,