Promise of the Day: Prophesy



Today’s Promise is Amos 3:7 CJB:

“Adonai, God, does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”



Many believers shy away from the topic of prophecy, choosing to believe that God no longer speaks to us in this way. But Paul calls us to pursue the gift of prophecy above all. Not prophets, but prophecy. John tells us in Revelation that the testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy. God is speaking to you. He wants you to know what He is doing. He wants you to speak His words of life and encouragement into His Body. He wants you to prophesy. Learn to know His voice by spending time with Him each day, reading His Word, praying to Him, and most importantly, listening to Him. You will be amazed by what you hear!


Heavenly Father, I bind and rebuke the spirit of fear that robs Your people of open communication with You! Help me to treasure time with You above all else, Lord, that I may hear from You daily and be Your light as I share the words You give me. And grant me the Spirit of Discernment, that I may know what, when, and how to speak and when to remain silent. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Have a victorious day in the Lord,


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