Promise of the Day: Ever-Present Father

The Best Father


Today’s Promise is John 14:18 CJB:

“I will not leave you orphans — I am coming to you.”

Ever-Present Father


Jesus knew we wouldn’t last long without His presence to direct, guide, and comfort us. What a blessing to have the Holy Spirit living in us constantly. Unlike earthly parents, the Holy Spirit never needs–or wants–a break from us. The more we press into Him and “bug” Him, the more He loves it, and the more He pours Himself into us. His living water, His breath of life, His anointing oil. He is the only One who can keep our lamps burning bright until our Father returns for us. Press into the Holy Spirit, and you will never lose hope and never grow weary of waiting for your Father’s voice declaring, “I’m back! Are you ready to go?


Heavenly Father, I believe that You will never leave me or forsake me. And I believe Your Son is coming back for me soon. Please, help me to keep pressing into Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name, and keep my oil jar filled, that I might be ready to go home with You. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!



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