Promise of the Day: Far More!

The Outpouring


Today’s Promise is Luke 11:28 CJB:

“But he said, ‘Far more blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it!’”


Jesus spoke these words to a woman who had just declared how blessed Mary, Jesus’ mother was. Even the angel, Gabriel, called Mary “blessed among women.” Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, made the same declaration. But, according to Jesus, those who hear His Father’s Word and obey it are even more blessed than the mother of our Lord and Savior! Not just a little, but far more blessed! Yes, believing in Jesus’ is what saves us, if we believe, we will live in accordance with His Word. And that obedience is not only a blessing in and of itself, it opens the Heavens from which the blessings of God are poured out. I want to be far more blessed. Don’t you?


Heavenly Father, how wonderful to have Your Torah living inside of me by Your Spirit, transforming me from glory to glory! Thank You for this wonderful gift. Give me Your grace, Lord, in Jesus’ name, to stay on the path of righteousness and not stray, that I may remain in the flow of Your Glory. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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