Establish Your Reality


Today’s promise is Job 22:28:

“You will also declare a thing,
And it will be established for you;
So light will shine on your ways.”


What a promise! It takes great faith to take hold of this one. But Eliphaz tells us in the previous verses just how to do this! He tells us to “acquaint ourselves” with God. Not “go to church every week,” not “do a bunch of ‘good’ things,” but “acquaint ourselves.” Get to know HIM. Not about Him, but HIM. The Creator of your spirit, soul, and flesh. No one knows you better than the One who created you, not even you! And He wants you to know Him just as intimately! Eliphaz goes on to tell us how this is done–“Receive instruction from His mouth and lay up His words in your heart.” It is important that we talk to God every day, but it is even more important that we learn to hear Him. This takes time, discipline, and determination, but God rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

If you want to grow the kind of faith that establishes whatever you declare, make God your first appointment each day. Worship Him, call to Him, and then wait on Him. You’ll be amazed at what you hear!


Heavenly Father, You are so near, even when I can’t feel You. You have drawn me into Your presence with Your love, and I will wait on You. No one else’s words are as sweet to my ears. Teach me Your ways, that I may walk in the power of Your Risen Son. That I may declare a thing and it will be. That Your Light may forever light my ways. To You be the glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Have a victorious day in the Lord!










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