Promise of the Day: Never Give Up


Today’s Promise is 1 Samuel 2:1 CJB:

“Then Hannah prayed; she said:

‘My heart exults in Adonai!
My dignity has been restored by Adonai!
I can gloat over my enemies,
because of my joy at your saving me.'”


I love the story of Hannah. She is a great example of tenacity. She could have easily given up on having children when the Lord didn’t answer her prayers immediately. She could have easily said, “Well, I guess God doesn’t want me to have children. I guess I’m asking too much. I guess God doesn’t hear my prayers.” or even, “I guess I’m not good enough, like other people are saying.” But instead she went before the Lord, year after year, pleading her case–believing God would hear and could give her what she wanted most. And, when she determined in her heart that the child God would give her would belong to Him, to be used for His purposes, God gave her the desire of her heart. In God’s faithfulness to the faithful, He heaped burning coals on the heads of those who had mocked and grieved Hannah for so many years and crowned her with glory.

The enemy will use whatever people he can to discourage you, to make you think your prayers are in vain, that God is not listening, that you aren’t good enough … anything to make you give up. But our God is faithful to the faithful. He will answer you in His time. Dedicate your desires to Him, and don’t give up!


Heavenly Father, sometimes it seems my prayers go unheard. But I know You hear, and I know You hold all things in Your hand. Strengthen me with might in the inner being, Lord, that I might not grow weary of lifting up my petitions to You. And help me commit all I ask to You as well, that You may receive all the glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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