Promise of the Day: Out of This World

Out of This World


Today’s Promise is 2 Timothy 2:4 NKJV:

“No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.”

Out of This World


The greatest hinderance keeping the Church from fulfilling her purpose on earth is her failure to see beyond the physical. As long as the enemy can keep our focus on sickness, financial problems, political games, and petty differences between believers, he has won. Fighting the world ills with a worldly perspective is like putting a bandage on the lesion of a patient with skin cancer.

These battles don’t originate in the physical world, so how can we hope to conquer them from here? Our battle is against the powers and principalities of the air, so we must ascend even higher to defeat them. The problem is, only the Holy can effectively battle the unholy, and too many who call themselves Christians are not willing to be Holy. It’s easier to put bandages on. Don’t be fooled. There is no middle ground on this battlefield. You are either of the Kingdom of God or of the world. Don’t let fear keep you from your destiny in Christ. Don’t let the enemy rob you of your inheritance. The power of Jesus is more than sufficient for all of His kids. Trust Him!


Heavenly Father, I’m tired of fighting a losing battle. I choose to surrender to You completely, body and soul. Take me, Lord, and make me Holy as You are Holy. Take over my life, in Jesus’ name, and use me to fight evil at the source, knowing You will provide all I need. Knowing that You have already secured the victory. Let me glorify You on earth, as You are in Heaven! Amen!

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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