Promise of the Day: Restoration


Today’s Promise is Joel 2:25 CJB:

“I will restore to you the years that the locusts ate,
the grasshoppers, shearer-worms and cutter-worms,
my great army that I sent against you.”


A loving parent corrects His children to keep them from destroying themselves permanently, and God, our Father, will use whatever means He sees fit to save us. Sometimes this looks and feels like He is trying to destroy us, but His father heart is revealed in the first line of this verse. He wants to restore all we have lost to sin and rebellion. He wants to bless us with more than we could ever imagine. When we respond to His correction with repentance, we position ourselves to receive the gifts that only our loving Father can give us. We position ourselves for full restoration!


Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me so much that You would restore to me everything I threw away and everything the enemy has stolen from me. Forgive my sins, Lord, in Jesus’ name, and help me to live a life that glorifies You. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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