Promise of the Day: Staying In Love



Today’s Promise is John 15:10 CJB:

“If you keep my commands, you will stay in my love — just as I have kept my Father’s commands and stay in his love.”

Staying in Love


What? We have to keep the Commandments? I thought Jesus ended all that. The enemy would love to have you believe that. But, in fact, Jesus himself said He didn’t come to abolish the Law, but to complete it (Matt. 5:17). No, Jesus came to show us the way of obedience–and the rewards of it as well. He followed the Torah (law) because of the deep abiding respect He had for the Father. Even our Lord was filled with the fear of the Lord. It was Jesus’ obedience that kept Him in the embrace of the Father’s love. It was the Father’s love that empowered Him to go to the cross on our behalf. The love of the Father is a powerful thing. Obedience is a small price to pay for it.


Heavenly Father, Your love is unfathomable. The small bit I can understand brings me to my knees. I know I can’t earn Your love, but I want to abide in it forever. Write Your Torah on my heart, Father, in Jesus’ name, that I may glorify You in all I do and say. Let me be a conduit for Your love to a broken and hurting world, just like Your Son, that more people may know Your great, unfailing love. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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