Promise of the Day: The Real Deal

The Real Deal


Today’s Promise is Proverbs 10:12 CJB:

Hate stirs up disputes,
    but love covers all kinds of transgressions.

The Real Deal


Let’s take a look at this promise from another angle.

“Anyone who causes disputes, fights, arguments … is acting out of hatred, but anyone who forgives the transgressions or hurts caused by others is acting out of love.”

Every time someone offends us in any way, we have an opportunity to be an expression of God’s love. The love Christ extended to us from the Cross, which indeed covered “all kinds of transgressions.” This sounds easy enough, but in order to do this, we must first remove ourselves from the equation, namely our pride or ego. Then, it’s a matter of submitting to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to act in our stead, extending the love of the Prince of Peace to the offender. This is the love that overcame the world. It’s the real deal.


Heavenly Father, I don’t want to be an instrument of the devil, bringing more division into the world. I want to be Your instrument of peace. Help me to be slow to anger, Lord, in Jesus’ name, and to see everyone through Your eyes. Help me put Your Kingdom above my pride, and make me an expression of Your love. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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