Promise of the Day: Under God

Pray for Russia


Today’s Promise is Job 12:23 CJB:

He makes nations great and destroys them;
he enlarges nations, then leads them away.

Pray for Russia


Remember, it is God who sets up the governments of the world according to His purpose. The leadership He sets up is not a determiner of the spiritual state of a state or nation, but a reflection of it. Therefore, when we mock and rail against those in authority over us, we mock and rail against God, a futile pursuit. Let us instead pray for our leaders, as He has commanded us.  That God would give them wisdom and forgive their sins. Let us also repent on behalf of ourselves and our people, asking God to forgive us and pour out His Spirit upon us. God blesses the obedience of His people.


Heavenly Father, please forgive me for the times I have been a part of the problem instead of the solution. I acknowledge that You are the ultimate authority, and You have promised that if we will call on you, repent, and turn from our sin, You will hear us, and You will heal our land. We need Your healing, Lord. So I ask, for Your Namesake, that You forgive our grievous sins against You and each other. Release Your Spirit, Lord, in Jesus’ name, that our eyes may be open to Your Truth. Grant our leaders wisdom and a knowledge of You. Raise up men and women of integrity to lead us, that we might receive Your blessing. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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