Promise of the Day: White as Snow

Though Your Sins are like Scarlet


Today’s Promise is Isaiah 1:18 NIV:

“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though  your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

Though Your Sins are like Scarlet


When the Lord God does something, He does it all the way. He makes ALL things new. No exceptions. He takes our filthy rags and covers us with His robe of purest white, that we might walk in new life. Not to return to our old lives and the muck He pulled us out of, but to soar on wings like eagles. With Him.


Heavenly Father, the idea that all my sins have been washed away by the blood of Your Son is too great for me to comprehend. Please help me to grasp this awesome truth, and to walk in it, as a new creation. Help me, in Jesus’ name, to not look back or turn again to my sin. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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