Promise of the Day: Always Listening

Knowing God


Today’s Promise is Psalm 55:17 NKJV:

“Evening and morning and at noon
I will pray, and cry aloud,
And He shall hear my voice.”

Knowing God


What differentiates our God from the gods of other beliefs is that our God lives. And when we call on Him He hears us–even when it doesn’t seem like we’re getting any response, the Holy Spirit and the angels of God minister to us continually. Working all things for our good. So call on Him. Evening, morning, and at noon. He’s waiting to hear from you. And He’s got great things to tell you!


Heavenly Father, thank You for never leaving me alone. Help me, in Jesus’ name, to make a habit of talking to You. Not just when I need something, but all the time, that I may come to know that even when I don’t hear Your reply, I never have to doubt that You are with me. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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