Today’s Promise is Psalm 50:3, 4 CJB:
“Our God is coming and not staying silent.
With a fire devouring ahead of him
and a great storm raging around him,
he calls to the heavens above and to earth,
in order to judge his people.”
The first time Jesus came to earth, He came as the Savior of the world, giving mankind the opportunity to turn from our sin and become what He created us to be. That act was an expression of God’s nature. He is love. But He didn’t change His nature when He did that. God never changes (James 1:17). He remains a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29), and no one escapes His flames. When we submit to His sanctifying fire now, in faith and obedience, our old nature is consumed, and what remains becomes fireproof in the covering of His righteousness. But judgment is also an expression of God’s nature. When Jesus returns, it will be as the Judge of the world, and those who did not submit to His sanctifying fire will be consumed in His holy fire of judgment. Neither prospect seems pleasant, but unlike His fire of judgment, our Lord doesn’t leave us to bear His sanctifying fire alone. He is right there amid the flames, walking beside us, covering us, and by His grace, we are not consumed. Jesus is coming back soon. Is your fire gear up to date?
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Holy Fire. I love You for loving me enough to burn away my impurities, so that I might shine forth as purest gold. Thank You for covering me with Your righteousness, that I might walk with You and abide in You always. Make me shine with Your glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Have a victorious day in the Lord!