Promise of the Day: Like a Child


Today’s Promise is Matthew 18:4 NKJV:

“Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”


I love watching my daughter worship. She dances as if she and Jesus are the only ones in the room. She sings like there are no wrong notes. My husband says she has learned this from me, but I think it’s the other way around. When we can love Jesus with total abandon, when we no longer care who’s looking or listening, or what they will think, when the only thing that matters to us is touching our Savior’s heart, it will no longer matter who is the “greatest” in His Kingdom. Only that we are there in His presence. There’s a reason David was a man after God’s own heart. So, go ahead. Turn up the music and dance with Jesus!


Heavenly Father, words can’t express how much I love You. I feel my love for You so strongly in my heart. Help me surrender to that love completely, in Jesus’ name, that the world and all its judgment fades away, and I can dance with You like no one is watching. Amen

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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