Promise of the Day: Listen!


Today’s Promise is Psalm 85:8 CJB:

I am listening. What will God, Adonai, say?
For he will speak peace to his people,
to his holy ones —
but only if they don’t relapse into folly.”


“I will hear.” People come to me or write wanting to know how they can hear God’s voice. But, often, when God does speak to them, they are unwilling to listen. Before God can tell us “great and mighty things we do not know,” our hearts must be prepared to receive those things. Like ground must be prepared to receive seed. And, we know that God’s Word does not return void, so this cultivation is vital. Because “relapsing into folly,” or continuing in our sin inhibits our ability to hear God’s voice and discern His voice from the enemy’s, this is often where He will begin. Revealing behaviors and attitudes that keep us from His revelation. If we choose to ignore Him when He corrects us instead of repenting, we fail to mature spiritually. If we continue to ignore Him, He will stop talking, giving us over to our folly, and we will never know the peace our Father speaks to us. So, let us humble ourselves before the Lord, receiving His correction with joy and submitting to Him fully. Let us strive to not only hear, but listen.


Heavenly Father, I thank You and praise You that You love me enough to correct me when I go astray. Grant me the grace to submit to Your correction, in Jesus’ name. Keep me on the narrow path, Lord, and open my spiritual ears wide that I may hear You speak peace.  Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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