Promise of the Day: Plug In


Today’s Promise is Isaiah 58:10 CJB:

“Generously offer food to the hungry
and meet the needs of the person in trouble;
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your gloom become like noon.”


Jesus is the Light of the World, because He lived His brief life on earth serving others. Why didn’t He burn out? Because He relied on His Father to restore and rejuvenate Him. He spent time on the mountain. If Jesus required time alone with His Father, His power source, to recharge His battery, who are we to think we can do it all on our own? We must take time to plug into our power source, if we don’t want our lights to grow dim, or go out altogether.


Heavenly Father, I want Your light to burn brightly in me. Help me, in Jesus’ name, to make spending time with You, praising You, worshiping You–and listening to You, my top priority each day, that I might joyfully serve others and glorify You name. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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