Promise of the Day: Pre-party Invitation!


Today’s Promise is Revelation 21:4 CJB:

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will no longer be any death; and there will no longer be any mourning, crying or pain; because the old order has passed away.”


I think I can safely say I’m not a fan of the old order. My body is wracked with pain almost daily from the after effects of cancer surgery combined with age. My heart aches with sorrow for the people I’ve loved and lost. My stomach churns at the evil that saturates the world and the people who worship it. But I don’t dwell on this. This verse, like so many other promises in God’s Word, reminds me of who is in charge, and what is coming with the new order. Not the new order of man, but the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ!  My heart leaps within me, filling me with joy, and I can’t help but praise and worship God. In fact, I want to start the party now! A pre-party! Won’t you join me?


Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your sovereignty! You alone are GOD, and I honor and worship You! Thank You for giving me a hope and a future with no pain, grief, death, or crying! Help me keep that Spirit of Celebration in my heart always, Lord, in Jesus’ name. For Your joy is contagious, and I want to infect as many people as I can before You come back and really get the party started. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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