Promise of the Day: Spirit Over Flesh



Today’s Promise is Romans 8:6 CJB:

“Having one’s mind controlled by the old nature is death, but having one’s mind controlled by the Spirit is life and shalom (peace).”



We know that living to fulfill our own desires robs us of a relationship with our Creator, and of eternal life with Him, but did you know that it can also drive you to an early grave? Health specialists talk about the importance of managing stress in order to stay healthy and live longer. Some encourage daily meditation, but it’s not by focusing inward that we will find true peace. That’s where our stress originates. And it’s not by focusing on the pleasures of the world. That only adds fuel to the fire. We must go to the source, prayerfully seeking the Prince of Peace. Come into His presence, and be restored.


Heavenly Father, thank You for providing true peace for my soul that allows me to rest in Your care, to be refreshed, restored, and renewed. Help me to seek Your peace above all. Help me to remain in You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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