Promise of the Day: Sure Footed

Prepare Ye the Way


Today’s Promise is Psalm 119:165 NKJV:

“Great peace have those who love Your law,
And nothing causes them to stumble.”


Have you ever admired someone so much that you tried to emulate them in style, or language, or practice? This is what this verse is talking about. The word “law” here is “Torah” in Hebrew. The very essence of our God. Everything that was spoken and shown to us by His Son, Jesus, the living Torah. When we love Him, we begin to emulate Him, and we will be filled with His peace, in spite of our circumstances, and guided each step of our journey. By walking the path He walked before us, our every step will be sure.


Heavenly Father, I love You, and I love Your Son. Help me to love You even more, by emulating Him. Let me see what You are doing and hear what You are saying in Heaven, in Jesus’ name, that I may do and say the same thing on earth, just as Your Son did, fulfilling Your Torah.  Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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