Promise of the Day: The Road to Success

Success Guaranteed


Today’s Promise is Proverbs 16:3 CJB:

If you entrust all you do to Adonai,
    your plans will achieve success.


Wow. That’s a promise I can live with, how about you? The wonderful thing about entrusting our plans to God is that it all begins with seeking Him. We can get all kinds of ideas that sound great at the time, but may not be in our best interest. Other times, our plans may not be big enough because we are afraid or insecure. But, when we take our plans to the Lord and seek His guidance, He is faithful to give us wisdom and insight that we lack on our own. We can be sure that the plans we have are from Him and not just a distraction from the enemy. Coming into alignment with God gives us greater vision and confidence in what we pursue, which are basic ingredients for success. Add in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Host of Heaven going before us and clearing our path, and failure is no longer an option.


Heavenly Father, I trust You completely. Give me Your vision, Lord, in Jesus’ name, and I will trust in You to bring me through successfully. Not that I may glory in my own abilities, but that all who see may glory in Your faithfulness. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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