Take the Narrow Road: A Vision for the Called-out Ones

Blessings Friends,

I had intended to move on to part 2 of  “The Cross Over People,” for this post, but a couple weeks ago I had a night vision that was so real and emotional it hasn’t left me yet. It was very personal, but as usual, the Lord reminded me that He has kids all over the world that are feeling what I’m feeling. I’m given these visions to share.

The Vision

In this vision, I was walking in the country with my husband and daughter, when we came to three roads. Two roads to the left were wide and inviting, but I heard the Lord say,

“Take the narrow road.”

I looked at the road to my right. It was barely wide enough for one person. I knew that if I took that road, I would be going alone. I wouldn’t have my daughter and husband to keep me company or protect me from whatever may lie ahead. The thought terrified me and filled me with sadness. Then I heard it again.

“Take the narrow road.”

I couldn’t say no. I started out down the narrow road, tears spilling down my face as I felt the weight of being alone.

 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it” Matthew 7:13, 14 AMP .

The Message

For me this vision was about the ministry path the Lord has called me to, but it is also about what we are studying. Being called out. You see, unlike the wide road, where people travel in groups, ultimately, the road to the Heaven must be traveled alone. Yes, we are told in Hebrews 10:25 not to forsake coming together for the sake of worshiping, strengthening, learning, and encouragement. But too many believers make the mistake of seeking a “church” instead of the Person of God, which is why Jesus died—not so we could find the perfect church, but to give us access to the Father and discover for ourselves how beautiful and awesome He is.

When our goal is finding a church, we set ourselves up for disappointment from the start. People are flawed and bound to fail. Only God is good, and only by immersing ourselves in the pursuit of Him can we begin to find the love and forgiveness for ourselves and our flawed brothers and sisters that our Father gave us through His beautiful Son. This is the love that creates unity in the Body of Christ.

When you stand before God, you won’t be standing with your congregation, pastor, Bible study group, favorite evangelist, or worship leader.

It will just be you and Him. Will you know Him?

“Later the others also came, and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open [the door] for us.’ But He replied, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, I do not know you [we have no relationship]’” Matthew 25:11, 12 AMP.

Jesus Himself walked the path to Golgotha alone. Even the Father, whom Jesus had NEVER been separated from, couldn’t go with Him to the Cross. Because of this, we can praise God that He so graciously and generously gives His Spirit to guide and comfort us along the way.

This is a time of shaking and sifting in the Body of Christ. The Lord is separating the sheep from the goats. So, while we long for community, and we need to continue to encourage and prophesy, now more than ever, our passion and desire has to be the pursuit of our Creator. To know Him and serve Him with all our hearts.

I encourage you all, in the mighty name of Jesus, to keep your eyes on the prize–and take the narrow road. This is my prayer for you.

God’s grace and peace be yours,


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