Promise of the Day: Joyful Anticipation


Today’s Promise is Revelation 1:7 CJB:

“Look! He is coming with the clouds!

Every eye will see him,
including those who pierced him;
and all the tribes of the Land will mourn him.

Yes! Amen!


This promise concerning the end of the age was the third such message, the first and second being in Daniel and Zechariah. When God says the same thing three times, you can be assured He means business. He will send His Son back to complete His business with mankind. The original manuscript reads, “with the clouds of Heaven,” and clouds, here, is a Hebraic metaphor, describing the effect of the host of Heaven filling the sky. Can you picture that? The Son of Glory descending to earth, surrounded by His “cloud of witnesses” and angels? Coming for you? What a glorious day that will be for those who have remained faithful to Him, holding to His Truth to the end.

What I find so heartbreaking about this same promise is that so many will meet that day with tears and mourning, knowing they have made the wrong choice and it’s too late. It is our duty and privilege, while here on earth to expand God’s Kingdom on earth, through teaching, yes, but more importantly, through our words and deeds. Through speaking God’s Truth in grace and love. That is what changes hearts, the love of Christ. And let us never cease interceding, praying earnestly for the intervention of the Holy Spirit in the lives of non-believers. May it always be our goal to share our joyful anticipation of the Lord’s return with as many people as possible.


Heavenly Father, give me the nations, in Jesus’ name. My heart breaks for those who don’t know You. And for You as well, for You deserve the honor and praise of all of Your creation. Hear my prayers, oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, and send Your Spirit upon the earth to touch the hearts of the masses, that they, too might receive Your Son with joy, when He returns for us. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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