Promise of the Day: Our Shelter

Our Shelter


Today’s Promise is Psalm 125:2 NKJV:

As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
So the Lord surrounds His people
From this time forth and forever.”

Our Shelter


I love that picture. Towering mountains shielding us from storms and attacks. Not eliminating these things from our lives, but cutting them down to size so we are not overwhelmed or defeated. A peaceful valley, where we can rest in the care and protection of our Good Shepherd. You, can rest in the shelter of His love today.


Heavenly Father, help me remain in Your valley, regardless of what the enemy throws at me. You are my Shield and my Salvation. I trust in You as my Father, that You will protect me–“from this time forth and forever,” in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!



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