Promise of the Day: Persistence Pays


Today’s Promise is Romans 2:10 CJB:

“…but glory and honor and shalom [peace] to everyone who keeps doing what is good, to the Jew first, then to the Gentile.”


The most evil person does good once in a while. But how can we keep doing good? Especially when we are tired and stressed? When it seems we haven’t got a friend, and the world is against us? Jesus showed us how in word and in deed. He spent time alone with His Father, His source of strength, peace, and love. Jesus saw what His Father did in Heaven, and heard what His Father said. Then Jesus did the same on earth. Then He became our access to the same source of strength, peace, and love. Spend time alone with the Lord every day, and He will help you keep doing good regardless of your circumstances, and you will know His glory, and honor, and peace.


Heavenly Father, I want to be filled with all of Your fulness. Your glory, honor, and peace. Please, forgive my sins, in Jesus’ name, and receive my worship as I spend time with You each morning getting to know You and surrendering to You, that I may be changed from glory to glory. That You might shine through me, Lord, dispelling the darkness in the world. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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