Promise of the Day: Sovereign Savior



Today’s Promise is Psalm 18:2, 3 CJB:

“He said:

 “I love you, Adonai, my strength!

Adonai is my Rock, my fortress and deliverer,
my God, my Rock, in whom I find shelter,
my shield, the power that saves me,
my stronghold



David sang this Psalm to God on the day God delivered him from all of his enemies. Two thousand years ago, His Son did the same for us on the Cross. This is one promise that every believer should not only memorize, but declare boldly each day. The sooner this truth is ingrained in our minds and hearts, the sooner we can stop wasting time and energy trying to fight our own battles. We need to take a lesson from David, Jehoshaphat, Gideon… We need to learn that praise and worship is our greatest weapon against a defeated foe. Are you worshiping in the face of battle?


Heavenly Father, please forgive my meddling, for this is nothing more than lack of faith. But You are the source of faith, Lord, so I ask You to grant me more, in Jesus’ name. Help me remember who You are, when I am under attack, and react to You in praise and worship, instead of reacting to the threats of an enemy You have already crushed beneath Your heel.  Amen!

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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