Today’s Promise is Psalm 89:34 NKJV:
“My covenant I will not break,
Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.”
The New Covenant is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which brings transformation, spiritual maturity, and manifests in signs and wonders. But this New Covenant did not cancel the Old, it fulfilled it. Whether it be gossip, sexual immorality, or murder, if God called it sin in the beginning, it is still sin today. Therefore, if we are not growing spiritually, if our lives are not reflecting the love and glory of the One we host, we are no longer in Covenant with God, and it is because we have broken the Covenant. A spirit of humility is the only fix. We may not even know what we did to break the Covenant, only that we have stalled spiritually, or we’re not feeling His presence like we once did. But if we humble ourselves and ask Him, the Holy Spirit will show us what we need to repent of to get us moving forward again. It is this process of sanctification that is the embodiment of the New Covenant. It is the evidence of His love for us. A love that endures forever.
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Spirit to live in me. I ask in Jesus’ name, that You make me mindful of thoughts, words, and actions that grieve Your Spirit. And do not wait, but let me feel the pain I cause You, that I might repent in all humility, and quickly be restored to covenant relationship with You. Keep me moving forward in spiritual maturity and fulfill Your purpose in me to Your glory. Amen.
Have a victorious day in the Lord!