Promise of the Day: The Easy Yoke


Today’s Promise is Matthew 11:29, 30 NKJV:

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”


To someone who lives life from a worldly perspective, or from the outside in, this promise could appear to be perhaps the biggest contradiction in Christianity. Christians around the world are persecuted, imprisoned, and murdered. Christ himself said the world hated Him, so it will hate us, too. He also commanded us to take up our cross and follow Him. Certainly, the devil tried to destroy the Savior, and his goal is to steal, kill, and destroy us as well. What part of this is easy?

It’s all in your perspective. A yoke sits on your shoulders much like a mantel. It is also double-sided, and since Jesus called it His yoke, we can be assured that we are not alone. He is in fact bearing the weight of the burden, as He did when He carried the Cross on His shoulders.

It’s only when we move from the physical perspective to the spiritual that the treasure in this promise is revealed. It’s only when we crucify our flesh, our wants, needs, our pride, becoming “gentle and lowly in heart” that our burden will lift. It will no longer matter what the world or the enemy throws at us, because it will no longer be our own welfare that motivates us, but the glory of our Father. We will no longer be expending time and energy defending ourselves, but it will be the Holy Spirit and the Hosts of Heaven fighting our battles. As we focus on hearing and obeying the voice of our Father, we will truly find rest for our souls.


Heavenly Father, I know that when I am living from the Spirit, in line with Your perfect will and purpose for my life, I can rest in You. Thank You for being in control, Father. Thank you for defending me and blessing me regardless of what the enemy throws at me. You are my All in All. In Jesus’ name I praise You! Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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