Promise of the Day: The Great Physician


Today’s Promise is Psalm 32:2 (CJB):

How blessed those to whom Adonai imputes no guilt,
in whose spirit is no deceit!”







Hidden or even unrealized sin is never truly hidden or unrealized. We may think it doesn’t affect us and that all is well, and on the outside it may well look that way. But infection is infection, beneath the surface it festers, grows, and poisons the surrounding healthy tissue. Only when an affliction is opened up, and the infection eliminated, can we truly be healed and whole. The Holy Spirit is our Great Physician, diagnosing the sin that keeps us from the fullness of the Lord and attending to our healing. But it is up to us to submit to treatment, and trust in His wisdom and love.


Heavenly Father, I submit to the work of Your Holy Spirit, diagnosing and cleansing me of all iniquity. Let nothing remain in me that keeps me from Your good and perfect will. Let nothing remain in me that keeps me from unity with You, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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