Promise of the Day: The Temple of God


Today’s Promise is 1 Corinthians 3:16 CJB:

“Don’t you know that you people are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?”


Few Christians understand what a great honor and blessing it is to host the Spirit of God. Few ever experience His fullness as He intended. They receive the Holy Spirit freely at Salvation, but then continue in the same behavior which caused their need of Salvation in the first place. Then they wonder why God seems so far away. As a Royal Priesthood, we are called to the same level of sanctification as the Priests who entered the Holy of Holies. The only difference being, that we have been given the Spirit to help us in our sanctification. And, while the blood of the Lamb keeps us from dying in the presence of His Holiness, the Spirit of God will not cohabitate with a spirits of lust, bitterness, envy, pride, unforgiveness, and the like. Nor will He remain in a temple impaired by alcohol  or other substances. Hosting the Spirit of God in all His fullness requires daily, purposeful house cleaning. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is not a lazy guest!


Heavenly Father, I want to be filled with all Your fullness. Please, cleanse my hands and purify my heart by Your Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name. I surrender completely to You, Lord. Make me a holy vessel to carry Your presence and Your glory. Amen.

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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