Promise of the Day: You will See ME

One Way


Today’s Promise is John 16:16 NKJV:

“A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I go to the Father.”

You will See ME


This is not a promise to pass over, thinking Jesus was talking about His resurrection. He said it was because He was going to the Father that we would see Him, yet He did not ascend to the Father until after His disciples saw Him. Jesus never intended for us to wait to see Him until He returns or we die. He wants to meet with you now, and He has opened the door. First, you must believe, then, believing, you must ask. Trust me when I say, this is a total game-changer. Are you meeting with your Savior?


Heavenly Father, You sent Your Son to open the door to Heaven, that I might dwell in Your presence. Your Son sent the Spirit to open my eyes, and I thank  You so much. Lord, I believe You want to meet with me face-to-face just as much as I want to meet with You. Holy Spirit, show me the way, in Jesus’ name, and break off anything keeping me from Your presence. Amen!

Have a victorious day in the Lord!


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